A watch that my grandfather must have used in his youth… Rendering changes depending on the aperture ƒ

A watch that my grandfather must have used in his youth… Rendering changes depending on the aperture ƒ
Final version + the 19 necessary photos for the stack • ƒ/16 • 1/13 • ISO 400 • 0EV • 360mm This photo have been created using “Focus Stacking” method. It's build with 19 photos with different focus. To get more information about this technic, check out my article. Before | After Stacking
This is a Mangora acalypha (thank you @marcrp for the id). This picture is the result of 6 separated shots, done with different focus then “stacked” (Focus Stacking) to produce a final image with a much greater depth of field.
Normal, « Pitch Black » & « Riddick » post-processing … vs. RAW
U.S. Air Force A-10C attack aircraft HOTAS™ (Hands On Throttle And Stick) replica joystick pack
Two images of a moth (Psilogramma menephron), one is the result of a stack of multiple photos taken with different focus (focus stack).