A watch that my grandfather must have used in his youth… Rendering changes depending on the aperture ƒ

Sea salt accumulated on rocks after water evaporation.

Diving under the ice of the lake of Tignes. This monitor give me a nice “say hi to the camera” before his dive under the 60 cm thick layer of ice with his “visitor” (in fact, it's 3 layers of 20 cm, two of ice, the middle one made of snow) About the adjustment, I gave more […]

“Night” post-processing

Last april… — yes… I always have old photos to post, but you know this :) I still have quite some picture to post from Australia 2011 or even Axalp 2010 ^^ – So, last april, I took this Moon picture with a Canon EOS 7D + Canon Extender EF 2x II + Canon EF 100-400mm ƒ/4.5-5.6L IS […]

Normal, « Pitch Black » & « Riddick » post-processing … vs. RAW

All from the same family, Ira (Rai) Samser (Rai) and Kaji (Rai) were with us for 10 days of trek. At seven, we've become a great family and I must admit that the attachment was done quickly, even if our culture seems to be more expressive in this regard. Kaji was our guide and translator […]