My Beloved Team

Here is the small team of our previous trip to Australia. Small, but the most wonderful, with Lionel and Yannick, friends that should all just be my brothers. Starting from the bottom, left to right: Yannick, Marion, Lionel and me.

Sundown on Fire

End of a day's drive and arrived in Kakadu National Park for the night. Marion took this great shot at 24 mm of the sunset that ignites the trees, and I followed his lead on the next shot, but with a telephoto lens @ 400 mm (640 mm equiv.)


In April 2012 (no need to point out that it took me a year before posting ^^), I took a full marmots "photo hunt" day. Besides the walk approach — somewhat "vivifying" with 14 kg of gear — I spent literally 7 hours lying in the snow for this result: two marmots photo, no more!

Moon @1280 mm

Last april… — yes… I always have old photos to post, but you know this :) I still have quite some picture to post from Australia 2011 or even Axalp 2010 ^^ – So, last april, I took this Moon picture with a Canon EOS 7D + Canon Extender EF 2x II + Canon EF 100-400mm ƒ/4.5-5.6L IS […]