Real Vision Actually, it's even not the case because the long exposure has completely changed the way the scene was ().

Stroll towards Akranes. Sixteen photos in total, the first three with the Before|After comparison to give an overview of applied processing to each type of photo. One the first (before adjustment such as 5 and 6), you'll notice the typical red shift of —neutral— filters (or supposed to be…). This detour was very nice, with […]

A picture that does not have much fancy, I admit very willingly, except the fact that visiting Manly was very nice and I wanted to share you this little piece of coast fairly typical of the place. I hope one day to have time to prepare a short video of that day. At the same […]

Back from half a day in Manly. The boat is going straight to Sydney, full West and I take this picture. Note the strange effect on the water surface caused by this little speedy boy (see below) — arf! —. I took the picture exposed on the right which means I under-expose it on post-prod. I also […]