A watch that my grandfather must have used in his youth… Rendering changes depending on the aperture ƒ

A watch that my grandfather must have used in his youth… Rendering changes depending on the aperture ƒ
This is a Mangora acalypha (thank you @marcrp for the id). This picture is the result of 6 separated shots, done with different focus then “stacked” (Focus Stacking) to produce a final image with a much greater depth of field.
Weaver ants or Green ants (genus Oecophylla) are eusocial insects of the family Formicidae (order Hymenoptera). Weaver ants are obligately arboreal and are known for their unique nest building behaviour where workers construct nests by weaving together leaves using larval silk. […] Oecophylla smaragdina found in Australia often have bright green gasters.
Two images of a moth (Psilogramma menephron), one is the result of a stack of multiple photos taken with different focus (focus stack).
Two images of a shield bug (Elasmucha grisea), results of a stack of multiple photos taken with different focus (focus stack).