Two images of a moth (Psilogramma menephron), one is the result of a stack of multiple photos taken with different focus (focus stack).

Two images of a moth (Psilogramma menephron), one is the result of a stack of multiple photos taken with different focus (focus stack).
We made as soon as possible to avoid further disrupting this little guy (although he did not seem to care about us). So the photos (and video) are bad, but it will give you an idea. As for the scale, it should be within 25-30 cm long. We met it as we walked along the […]
As everywhere in these latitudes, the greens are of a power quite amazing and the camera has all the trouble to return your feeling when such colors surrounds you. Memories of life in Madagascar, Reunion Island, etc., which continually make me take the measure, so different of my life in Paris… Short video extract:
The Ruddy Turnstone (Arenaria interpres) is a small wading bird, one of two species of turnstone in the genus Arenaria. It is now classified in the sandpiper family Scolopacidae but was formerly sometimes placed in the plover family Charadriidae.
A picture that does not have much fancy, I admit very willingly, except the fact that visiting Manly was very nice and I wanted to share you this little piece of coast fairly typical of the place. I hope one day to have time to prepare a short video of that day. At the same […]