Purple Swamphen / Porphyrio porphyrio   video tutorial

Ci-après, la vidéo du travail complet de reconstruction de l'arrière-plan sur Photoshop, en moins de 20 min. Tout autre travail réalisé (ajustement de couleurs, etc.) l'aura été sous Aperture. Notez que Photoshop m'est totalement inutile pour 99,9% des photos présentées sur le site ; attention de ne pas se laisser aveugler par son nom… La vidéo n'est pas commentée. Pour toute question, j'aurais plaisir à vous répondre dans les commentaires de ce post.

At mountainside

During an airshow, we often think it's best to have the longest focal length possible. The mind thinks “airplane”, and if possible, framed as large as possible on the picture. Often, it is not worse. Indeed, in presence of the ugliest weather for an enthusiast, namely blue sky and sunshine, you'd better frame tight, at […]


Well, after several days of work on my new function Rewind|Forward, I post these two small simple pictures that I was able to post-process very fast. I spent too much time on the back-end of the blog lately, so I wanted to be quick, I hope you will forgive me;-)

Well, this photo is what it is, basically it does not break three legs of a duck. It would have been more pleasant if I had checked my aperture before releasing the shutter (ƒ8 here). At ƒ5.6 @400mm with the would have given a less present background, thus enhancing the subject. The framing in cons-diving […]