During our trip to Nepal, I have given much importance to show to people my pictures of them. I think this is the least of things (although on the whole stay I have not seen anyone doing it!) And people really appreciated! These moments were always very strong — it makes me even more sick regarding behaviors of our societies — One of the most striking memory I have is this elderly lady. By discovering his picture, she literally exclaimed, was laughing, overjoyed, and I could clearly read on his face and in his eyes the recognition and sympathy she made me. These are truly unique shared moment.
Previously, I've almost never made portraits because, to tell you the truth and specially in France, I can not stand it. Everything is much easier in some countries that we can really focus on the human relationship. Approach people with kindness and respect is always welcome.
I will never forget this moment unique, shared with her.
This portrait have been photographed with the subject authorization. It's not a “stolen portrait”.
Wherever possible and when there was no language barrier, constraint of literacy or time (for me as for the subject), etc., I get the name of each photographed person.