Two images of a shield bug (Elasmucha grisea), results of a stack of multiple photos taken with different focus (focus stack).

Two images of a shield bug (Elasmucha grisea), results of a stack of multiple photos taken with different focus (focus stack).
A picture that does not have much fancy, I admit very willingly, except the fact that visiting Manly was very nice and I wanted to share you this little piece of coast fairly typical of the place. I hope one day to have time to prepare a short video of that day. At the same […]
Panoramic based on three pictures @24mm taken by Marion. I managed the stitch, adjustments and QTVR creation. Marion making the panoramic, and Lionel, my caddie ^^
, I continue with this bats skewer. Speaking about shooting and processing, I use, once again, my “to the right” exposure technique, to gain information in dark areas such as wings, then readjust the exposure in post-production. I also remove a piece of branch in the upper right corner. Below, a very poor video (I […]
National Geographic has just contacted me (again) after selecting my flying-bat photography for the National Geographic Image Collection and Readers Collection.
The new battery of your camera could be a counterfeit. This article explain, using photos and descriptions, how to be sure you own an original.
Also named “seagull” and very common in Australia. I know… it's not a crocodile (but yes it also attack!). For crocos., don't worry, pictures will be posted right there on my gallery!
Who has never seen a candle end (over wick) while a significant amount of wax still remained? I'm not the kind to pick up the first nail rusting telling me that it may serve one day, but I do not like to waste and throw something that could still be used. Thus, I always keep […]