The 6th november 2012, I've received my “No Words 1X5” copy from containing my published photo of a Grey-headed Flying-foxes, taken in Australia.

The 6th november 2012, I've received my “No Words 1X5” copy from containing my published photo of a Grey-headed Flying-foxes, taken in Australia.
Preview of the article layout (by Yann Rozier) Galerie
Last april… — yes… I always have old photos to post, but you know this :) I still have quite some picture to post from Australia 2011 or even Axalp 2010 ^^ – So, last april, I took this Moon picture with a Canon EOS 7D + Canon Extender EF 2x II + Canon EF 100-400mm ƒ/4.5-5.6L IS […]
Close-up shot In the environment
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Normal, « Pitch Black » & « Riddick » post-processing … vs. RAW
Weaver ants or Green ants (genus Oecophylla) are eusocial insects of the family Formicidae (order Hymenoptera). Weaver ants are obligately arboreal and are known for their unique nest building behaviour where workers construct nests by weaving together leaves using larval silk. […] Oecophylla smaragdina found in Australia often have bright green gasters.
All from the same family, Ira (Rai) Samser (Rai) and Kaji (Rai) were with us for 10 days of trek. At seven, we've become a great family and I must admit that the attachment was done quickly, even if our culture seems to be more expressive in this regard. Kaji was our guide and translator […]